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Random Jokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chicken Jokes:
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side!
Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
Because chickens hadn't evolved yet!
Why did the hedgrhog cross the road?
To see his Flat mate!
Random Jokes:
Why did Hitler commit suicide?
Because he saw the gas bill
Why are Fire Engines red?
*Deep breath* There are 4 wheels and 3 people in a fire engine, 4+3=7, there are 7 inches on a ruler, one of the greatest rulers of all kind was queen Victorial (debatable, I know)who ruled over the 7 seas, the seven seas have fish, fish have fins, the fins fought the russians, the russsians falg is/was red. Simple logic really.
Blonde Jokes: (no offence to blondes)
A blonde, a redhead, and a brunette all fall off a building, who hits the ground Last?
The Blonde, she had to stop and ask directions!


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