Spontanious Human Combustion
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Spontanious human combustion. Where humans burst into flames for no apparent reason.

3 words to sum up this. WTF?
I got interessted into this though, I'll admit it. Who wouldn't be interessted in people blowing up in a flaming fireball for no apparent reason? Don't answere that.
Here are some factsabout this crazy a screwed up piece of nature.#
  • Charles Dickens Used this to kill off an alchaholic in his book, Bleak House.
  • This lead to people believing that alchahol was the fault of it.
  • Pagans (and some more moderners) thought it was the devil claming your soul. Which makes sense if you think about it.
  • Over half of the victims were women
  • most of them were elderly and lived by them selves.
  • Most of them were smokers.
  • All of the cases happened indoors.
  • The heat reached up to 100 degrees celsius, and they found vapourized skin on the ceilings (!)

Here are some sites if you want more information:

Also, if you want to see some pictures, click here. WARNING Not for the Squeamish 


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