Friends Sites: This is a site my friend made, its quite original, its just a load of comics
that he and his brother made. : A site me and my friends made, its instructions on how to play a game that
we invented. : This site has some cartoons about a satan-child that he created. you have to
download the files though, but don't worry, they don't give you viruses or anything.
Random Sites: a interessting story about some guys who attatch a military jet engine to a car.
Possibly true. One of the bestest (and randomest) sites I've ever seen
on the web! cartoons, games, and talking pies! You must see weebl and bob's cartoons. I think this site is crazy. Theres still some cool stuff on it
Game Sites: A great site for games, loads of them, and new ones are added at leats once a
week. A massive RPG, You can be a warrior, bowman or mage. There are other skills too.
Quite good.
Cool Sites: One of the best sites I've ever seen. You type in the adress of
a website and can do stuff to it like: nuke it, crap on it, shoot it, get some random creature to eat it. I blew up my school
site! lol. I like the animations on this site, I dont know about you. Trouble is they take
ages to make a new one. The Best Klaymation on the net, featuring his classic blue Klay
men. Brilliant.
Other (and my Fav.) Sites: A pretty good site about members versions of famous books,
films, caomics, tv shows, cartoon and games. Some very... er... interesting versions. (BTW, my friend Nikki Told
me about this site. I have to say that or she will kill me. Apparently.) :)