Heres the Adventures of GARY! Unfourtunately its on Microsoft
powerpoint, cos I don't have a decent flash maker. You have to click, but it should be ok.
I'm working on episode 2 at the moment, but I don't know when
it'll be up, cos, to be honest I can't be arsed.
OK, Let me get 1 thing straight, I AM NOT A FU**ING PLAGARIST! For a start, I didn't even Know what that word meant until 7 hours ago (8:35), and secondly,
your brother doesn't have copyright infringement on it or any thing about does he? So I'm not breaking the law, or anything
else. Apart from maybe your bones if you don't shut up. So go away Pirate Tom, and suck on a lemon.
For those of you who have know idea in hell what I'm talking about, look
on the guestbook.
The Story: My friend Pirate Tom gave my family his
brothers old computor, and it still had some files on it One of these was the first 2 slides of Gary the oversized
pickle nothing else. (thats the title page and Gary saying "Hello I'm Gary and I'm a Pickle!") I did
everything else! Everything. That Includes the professor, story line and animation. So I've changed the slides,
Happy now Mr. Making a mountain out of a molehill.
Too see the full arguement between me and Tom, visit:
You have to make an account to see it, I am Turpentine, and
the arrogant git is Pirate Tom.